We’ve conducted trash (basura) collections using GPS to map the trash! The containers that will be used for trash and recycling have been purchased and painted by community residents! The community has identified the locations to place the trash cans using the trash maps they created!
All we are missing is the materials to build the roofs and frames to hold two containers together (one for trash and one for recycling) and the roofs to protect the trash and recycling center from filling with water (the holes have already been punched in the containers to let water escape).
Today a letter was sent out to businesses and community residents about the seeking support for acquiring the funds to make these basureros happen.
To date, the Geoporter Team working on this project consists of many companies and many individuals have volunteered their time and already contributed resources. What an incredible community. If you are interested in helping, contact us and we’ll send you the information to this project.
Dear friends of the community,
We all love our community and its natural resources. For that we are working hard to conserve our natural resources via trash collections and mapping, and subsequently the construction of trash centers, which are being strategically placed in the community of Bahia as you can see in the map.
Would you like to help? If so, you can contribute via wire transfer to the accounts of El Colono La Jungla. Please put in the detail/comments section: “BAHIA TRASH PROJECT”. The materials cost to build the roof and frame for one trash center is 46,000 colones (Approx. $92 USD). Please note that we have the trash cans ready and painted!
Please contact us for the account of El Colono La Jungla:
** The Muni will collect the trash
** We would like to place these before October 31